.spruce. festive felt garland {tropics}for The Saturday Sale (22/01) (still out for 75L each pack on 25/01)
Elm. Velora Decor ~ Keys #1 [Bronze]
Granola. Darra Monstera Planter Yellow.
Kactus - Zayden Modern Paint Art
Nievla- Burack Book Archs (GROUP GIFT)
The Loft & ARIA - Hexa Rug
[North Oak] - Cozy Pillow Chair (peach) @ Cozyfest
[high v.] fancy frame cheer up
[high v.] feels pillow good vibes
[high v.] framed poster eyes
[high v.] framed poster planter 1
[high v.] framed poster planter 2
[high v.] high fashion library
[high v.] poster metal frame do it
[high v.] poster metal frame good (I added a drawing of my cat)*
[high v.] poster metal frame love and peace
[high v.] poster metal frame sun and moon
dust bunny . hanging plants . spider planter
floorplan. colorblock painting / cheeky @ Collabor88
floorplan. colorblock painting / heart @ Collabor88
mintae. Kawaii Tech - White Keyboard (Down Tablet)
(Nylon Outfitters) Quirky Face Pot - Ginger (modified-only used the pot)
{vespertine} - monkey mask vine monstera.(modified-only used the plant)
{vespertine} hanging succulents. - mistletoe cactus (modified-only used the macramé hanger)
{what next} Radiator (w/socks) @ Cozyfest
*the drawing of my cat was done by NYLON PINKNEY.